Chapter 25

When Hep woke up, he was surprised to see that Scroat was awake already.

"The darn sunlight coming in the window was right on my face," Scroat explained.

"I see." Hep said. He poked Charlie and Dave awake. Jim drifted in to the room.

"There's a guy about a block away sitting in a Corvette. He's been there all night, but he hasn't moved once," Jim said.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Hep asked.

"Well, he's not doing anything, except I see a cigarette burning now and then, and hear him coughing." Jim said.

"All right," Hep said. "Well, I guess we'll just leave, and keep an eye on our asses."

They packed up their gear, and split. It was good that they left when they did, because the employee responsible for opening the attraction arrived about five minutes after they rolled out of the parking lot.

Frank followed at a distance as they rode north. He liked the Corvette a lot better than the Lincoln. It was black, fast, and felt purposeful as he drove it.

About an hour later, they arrived in Denver. They found a restaurant called Breakfast King that looked pretty promising since it was both open, and had "breakfast" in the name. They went inside.

Not too long after they got a table, Scroat saw a black Corvette pull into the parking lot.

"There's our man," Scroat said.

"Let's see what he does," Charlie said.

Frank didn't do much, except crack the window and light a cigarette. He thought that TV detectives should definitely drive Corvettes more often.

Hep, Scroat, Charlie and Dave ordered breakfast. Jim went and hung out by the Corvette, invisible, to see what he was up to. Jim overheard him calling someone on his cell phone.

"Yeah, they stopped for breakfast in Denver," is what he heard Frank say. Jim hustled in to the restaurant, and whispered to Hep that the guy in the parking lot was calling someone and telling who ever it was where they currently were.

"I see," Hep said. He thought for a moment, then kept eating. They paid their bill and left.

"I'm going to walk the long way around the lot, and have a little chat with our friend," Hep said. "You guys go back to the bikes and I'll be over in a minute."

He started walking. The rest went over to the bikes. Frank couldn't see Hep, so he kept an eye on Scroat, Charlie and Dave. He was extremely surprised when Hep pulled open his door and dragged him out of the car. Frank's first thought was "Maybe I should have kept my seatbelt on."

Hep lifted Frank and pulled him up to his face. "Who are you and what do you want, chum?" Hep asked in his most menacing voice.

"Um, I'm Frank," Frank said.

"What do you want Frank? We've seen you following us. Why?" Hep asked.

"A lady hired me to keep an eye on you," Frank said.

Hep shook Frank once, hard, and asked "What lady?"

"I... I don't know her real name. She just called herself Aphrodite," Frank said. He knew he probably should be giving so much information away, but Hep was huge, ugly and seemed really, really pissed off.

Hep set Frank down. "Why would Aphrodite want to keep an eye on me?" he asked.

"I don't know, she just told me to call her anytime anything weird happened to you guys." Frank said.

"I see. Frank, I don't know why I feel this way, but I think for the time being I'm going to trust you," Hep said. Frank relaxed the tiniest bit. "You can stay behind us, but keep out of the way. I guarantee you don't want to get mixed up in what we're involved in."

"Uh, Um, ok." Frank said. Hep was already walking towards the bikes.
Tommy had also just finished breakfast, and was walking to his car when a seafoam green Ford Econoline with "Lammy Lenny's Scooter Repair" painted on the side screeched up behind him. Three guys in red shirts jumped out of the back, grabbed Tommy and dragged him into the back of the van. Tommy, naturally struggled violently against them, and after a couple moments one of the scooterist hit Tommy on the back of the head with a 1/2 inch drive socket wrench. Tommy went limp, and they quickly tied him up with zip ties and duct tape.
"Where the hell do you think they went from here?" Too Tall asked Athena.

"I don't know, we should find a pay phone. I know someone that might know where they're at," she said.

"Who's that?" Too Tall asked.

"Elvis," Athena said.

"I beg your pardon?" Too Tall asked, incredulous.

"You heard me. Elvis should know where they are," Athena told him.

The left the campground, and started riding towards New Mexico. Soon enough they found a gas station and Athena went to use the pay phone.

"Who's she calling?" Brian asked Too Tall.

"Elvis," Too Tall said.

"Elvis?" Brain asked.

"I guess," Too Tall replied.

"The Elvis?" Brian asked.

"So it would seem," Too Tall said.

"Do you think she could introduce me to him?" Brian asked.

"I think we have more important things to worry about than meeting dead rock stars," Too Tall said.

"What ever. No need to be a dick about it." Brian said, and walked by to his own bike.

Athena came back from the phone. "Our favorite guys are in Denver right now," she said.

"Sweet!" Too Tall said. "We'll be able to grab the rest of the UTMC crew while we're there."

Athena didn't tell them that Elvis had also told her that Tommy had been kidnapped. Elvis wasn't able to confirm that, it was just something he'd heard. No need to freak everyone out over a rumor. Athena was pretty concerned about Tommy though. It would be awfully hard to for Hep to give back the tobacco pouch if they couldn't get to Tommy.

"Let's go," she said. They all mounted up again, and rode north.

Entirely by coincidence, they stopped at the Double Eagle restaurant for lunch. As they ate, Armando commented to Inez that they were certainly getting a lot of motorcyclists in the restaurant lately.

Hep went to find a pay phone. He called Elvis.

"Hey man, what's the good word?" Hep asked him.

"Hey Hep, I've got some good news, and some bad news," Elvis said.

"Ok, well, start laying it on me," Hep said.

"Well, first off, the UTMC crew and those two lovely ladies have gotten their bikes back and are rushing to meet you guys in Denver. They're somewhere in southern New Mexico right now," Elvis said.

"So that must be the good news," Hep said.

"Yep. The other news is that Tommy has been kidnapped." Elvis said.

"What?" Hep exclaimed. "Kidnapped? Where? By who?"

"He was in Denver, last I heard. One of those red-shirted bastards was overheard bragging about it."

"Fuck," Hep said.

"Yeah," Elvis replied.

"I guess we've got some work to do then," Hep said. "Talk to you later, Elvis."

"I hope so," Elvis said.

Hep went back to where Scroat, Charlie, Dave and Jim were waiting.

"Tommy has been kidnapped," he said.

"Oh my fuck!" Scroat said. "That's bad news."

"Thanks for stating the obvious," Charlie said.

"Fuck you, Chuck," Scroat responded.

"The good news is that the UTMC crew got their bikes back somehow and are on their way to Denver right now. They should be here late tonight." Hep said.

"So what should we do?" Charlie asked.

"Well, I think we should leave Dave here to wait for the UTMC crew, and then head over to your house to gather some weaponry. And then, we're going to go kick some motherfucking asses." Hep said.

They left Dave at a coffee shop the UTMC crew were known to lurk at, and headed towards Aspen.

Frank followed behind them at a respectable distance.

A few hours later, they pulled into Charlie's driveway. He opened his garage door and there, with a bow on the tank, sat his Ducati.

"Fucking sweet!" Charlie yelled. He went over to the bike and looked it over. "It looks better than it did when it got stolen. No damage at all."

Hep smiled, and said "Great, now you won't have to ride in my side car. That oughta leave plenty of room for weaponry."

They heard a Corvette idling at the end of the driveway.

"Hey Jim, go get him and tell him to come down here." Hep said.

Jim drifted up the driveway and to the Corvette. He slipped through the door and sat in the passenger seat, then materialized next to Frank.

"Hey buddy, Hep says you should come down to the house," Jim said.

"Holy balls!" Frank yelled. He was so startled by Jim's appearance that he forgot he was holding the clutch down. He let go of it, but kept his other foot on the brake, and killed the car. It lurched forward just a tiny bit before it stalled, and Frank bounced his head off the steering wheel.

"Calm down, ya pansy," Jim said. "Haven't you ever seen a ghost before?"

"Uh, no. I can't say that I have," Frank said.

"Well, whatever. Hep wants you to go down to the house." Jim said.

Frank started the car again, and drove down the driveway. Hep, Scroat and Charlie were waiting for him there. He got out of the car.

"Hope Jim didn't scare you too bad," Hep said. Frank smiled weakly in response.

Hep continued, "It seems that the time has come for swift and violent action, and we're going to need your car to carry a whole bunch of weapons for us."

Frank stared at him.

"I know, it's pretty exciting. I'm sure you haven't gotten to play with guns much, but you're going to need to contain your enthusiasm a little bit and help us out." Hep said. "Let's go inside and start picking the implements most likely to cause our foes to befoul their undergarments."

Hep, Charlie and Scroat started walking into Charlie's house. Frank, shaking his head in disbelief, followed them. He was even more shocked when he got inside Charlie's house and realized that Charlie's home was more armory than humble dwelling.

Chapter 24

The UTMC crew woke up and started figuring out their plan for the day. They figured they had canvassed the east side of town pretty well, so today they'd start on the west. Eventually Minerva and Athena came to the room they were meeting in, and they all set out from there.

They were amazed when they got outside and all of their bikes were there. Well, all of them except for Charlie's Ducati.

"What the fuck is this?" Too Tall asked no one in particular.

"I don't know," Brian said, "but if the bikes still run, I'm ok with whatever it is."

They went to their bikes and looked them over. It was like they'd parked them there the night before; there were no traces of hot-wiring or other tom-foolery.

"So what should we do?" Too Tall asked.

"Ride west," Athena replied.

On the way out of town, they stopped to gas up, and were once again amazed as their tanks were already full of gas.

"This is incredible," J.J. said.

They got out on the road again, and pointed their bikes towards San Antonio.
Aphrodite had hired the man in the Fedora to follow Hep and call her whenever anything odd happened. She'd gotten a lot of calls that were mostly amusing (notably every time Hep and Scroat beat up a statue), but occasionally concerning. When she'd heard that Scroat's friends had gotten their bikes stolen, she pulled some string with people she knew to make sure they got their bikes back in better condition than they'd left them in.

As it was, they were going to find out that they didn't ever need to stop for gas again.

Being friends with a god has its perks.

She heard that all of the bikes had been returned to them, except for Charlie's Ducati which was en route to his home in Colorado. It would make a nice "welcome home" surprise.

The man she hired, named Frank, seemed like a good kid, if a little dim. He was obsessed with old noir detective movies. She was relieved to find that, even though he'd bought enough cigarettes and "detective" clothes to outfit an entire army of Humphrey Bogart imprersonators, he had not armed himself with a pair of revolvers in shoulder holsters. He seemed like the type that would mistakenly shoot the good guys.

Although she was far from faithful to Hep, she still thought he was an awfully nice guy (except for the time he'd stuck her and Ares in a net), and she didn't want anything bad to happen to him. At least, nothing disabling.
Hep and his crew left El Paso and rode North to Mesilla, New Mexico. They stopped at The Double Eagle restaurant for a late breakfast. While they ate, Jim explored the restaurant a little bit. He was having an absolutely fantastic time, even when things weren't going well for them. He'd been stuck as a ghost in the redwoods for a long time, and when he was alive he hadn't really seen much of the United States. As a ghost, he could get into places that living people rarely went, and he was a curious kind of guy.

He was surprised to meet two other ghosts at the Double Eagle restaurant. Their names were Armando and Inez, and had apparently been killed by Armando's angry mother. When they asked Jim how he'd died, he told them a bear had attacked and killed him.

"That's harsh!" Armando said.

They asked him how he'd gotten out of the forest, as they'd been stuck in the building they were in since they died. Jim told them that his friends who were out in the restaurant eating had brought him with them after he had introduced himself while they were camping in the forest.

Eventually they got around to talking about why they were traveling. Jim told them his friends were trying to return something to another person. He told them about the people trying to stop them.

"We saw a group of guys in red shirts carrying helmets in here yesterday," Inez said. "They were saying something about changing routes and heading north to Albuquerque."

"Really? I'd better tell my friends." Jim said, and drifted over to the table everyone was sitting at. He introduced Armando and Inez to Hep and the rest of the crew.

"Please to meet you," Hep said.

"and no, you can't come with us," Scroat finished.

Jim told them that Armando and Inez had told him about the red shirted scooterist.

"So they know which way Tommy's headed already. Oh, that's not good," Charlie said.

"Nope," Hep said. "Thanks, you two," he said to Armando and Inez.

"We'd better get moving," Hep said. They paid their bill, and Jim said good bye to Armando and Inez. They told him to come visit any time, for the most part they were very lonely.
The UTMC crew stopped in Houston to gas up. They were stunned to see that all of their gas tanks were still completely full.

"How is that possible?" Too Tall asked Minerva and Athena.

"I guess someone is on our side for a change," Athena replied.

They rode on to San Antonio.
Shortly outside of Mesilla, Hep and Scroat spotted another muffler man along the side of the road, behind a fence with barbed wire along the top.

They passed by without incident. The statue didn't even blink. They were, to put it mildly, relieved.

"Man, I wish they'd put the rest of those fucking statues behind barbed wire," Scroat called to Hep.

Hep laughed, and they continued riding north to Albuquerque. The road was pretty dull, and they all spent the majority of the ride lost in their own thoughts. Hep was tired, and nearly dozed off a couple of times. He woke up both times with Jim staring him in the face yelling "Hey, none of us want to end up being ghosts stuck in the middle of freakin' New Mexico."

They stopped for lunch in Albuquerque at a Jack In The Box. Hep had a big cup of coffee.

"I guess we'd better try to get into Colorado today, and with any luck we'll catch up with Tommy in Denver tomorrow," Hep said.

"Sounds good to me," Scroat said. "I can't wait for this shit to be over so we can visit Tommy and then go home and sleep in our own damn beds for a change."

"I sure wouldn't mind finishing this up and being able to just go home to Aspen," Charlie said.

They finished eating and got moving again right away. On their way out of Albuquerque, they saw another muffler man, this one dressed as Paul Bunyan again. They decided to go a couple block around instead of passing the statue. None of them particularly felt like fighting yet another statues. Especially since they were pretty sure that last one wasn't Jeb. None of them wanted to find out who might be inside the next one. For all they knew, it could be one of the Aztecs they'd pissed off all those years ago.

On their way north, Hep saw a sign for "Stonefridge." He thought it would be fun to see Fridgehenge, to see if they managed to get it right. The Celts certainly didn't, though no one had the heart to tell them it was all wrong. Alas, there was no time for sight seeing, and it looked like "Stonefridge" was quite a distance out of their way.

He resolved to make another trip around the country to check out all the crazy stuff he'd missed after Tommy had his tobacco pouch back.

They kept riding north, and arrived in Colorado Springs just in time for dinner. They decided to stop in a grocery store and get some provisions to make their own dinner. Then they rode out to the "Authentic Indian Cliff Dwellings," and waited a short distance away until the small staff went home. Then they snuck in to the cliff dwellings and made themselves at home for the night.

"Nice of the Indians to build their cliff dwellings so close to a main road," Scroat commented.

"Ancient civic planning at it's best," Hep replied.

They had salami and cheese sandwiches to eat and then explored the cliff dwellings a bit. There were convenient signs telling them all about each room.

"I think these cliff dwellings are a hoax," Charlie said.

"Best kind of cliff dwelling there is. People get mad when you try to camp out in real ancient cliff dwellings," Hep said.

"Yeah, because the Indians never wanted anyone to actually live in the cliff dwellings. They were always just fucking model homes," Scroat cracked.

"You're a jerk, Scroat," Charlie said.

"Hey, at least I'm not riding in a sidecar like a bitch," Scroat shot back.

"Ok, chill out gentlemen. I'm going to sleep," Hep said. "Jim, don't wander too far. If something weird comes this way, wake us up."

"You got it," Jim said.

Hep, Scroat, Charlie and Dave spread out their blankets and tried to get comfortable. It was a bit challenging since the floor were rock, but they were all tired enough to fall asleep shortly after laying down.

Jim hung around just outside the entrance to the "cliff dwelling" they were sleeping in.
Since they didn't have to stop for gas, the UTMC crew and Minerva and Athena were able to ride straight through to El Paso. By they time they arrived they were awfully sore, and a bit jittery from all the coffee they'd gotten along the way. They found a place to camp for the night, and got ready to crash. They drew straws for who would stand watch, and what shift each watch had to take.

Too Tall got the first watch. "Dammit," he said, then stomped over to the picnic table in their campground and lit a cigarette. When it was time for the next person to start, he went over and woke J.J. up.

"Already?" J.J. asked. "Fuck." Too Tall laid down and fell asleep within seconds.

Chapter 23

Tommy was having a hell of a time. The whole thing had started out so simply, though. It had always been simple before, why would it go wrong now? He had figured he'd go to visit Hep and Scroat, leave something behind, they'd return it and he'd be able to invite them over as his guests.

Except it took them too damn long to find the tobacco pouch. He was figuring they'd come running after him before he'd gotten more than a mile away.

Then somehow Seth had gotten wind of it, and decided that he just had to have Tommy's tobacco pouch. Tommy was trying to figure out why the hell Seth would have even the faintest interest in stopping them. Tommy knew exactly what would happen if Seth did get his tobacco pouch before Hep returned it.

Tommy had forgotten that Seth was primarily motivated by total chaos.

Seth, or more accurately, Seth's hired help, chased him around the country. He honestly wanted to meet up with Hep and get his damn pouch back, but somehow there was always a red-shirted scooterist waiting for him, or someone fouler, whenever he stopped. He'd tried to back track once, and wound up trying to evade a gang of 40 scooterists, which is harder than it sounds (at least until he could get onto a freeway and really get moving).

At one point, he'd even had to fight a Paul Bunyan statue, which thoroughly weirded him out and left him in a rotten mood for a couple days. He might have been in trouble, seeing as he was unarmed and much smaller than the statue, but it somehow managed to trip over its own feet and fall into a ravine. Then a tree fell on it. And caught fire. The whole thing was kind of odd.

Right now, he was sitting in a bar in New Mexico. The bar was pumping it's music so loud the speakers were distorting and he was surrounded by television sets every where he looked. There were plenty of windows, so it wasn't very dark inside, but at least he was able to see who was coming and going. He sat watching the windows and the front door, slowly drinking his beer. He had half of a sandwich that he would take a bite out of now and then. Mainly, he was wondering where the hell he could go next that might shake whoever was following him off his trail for longer than a day.

He decided that he'd head for Albuquerque and pick his next destination from there.
Too Tall, Brian, J.J. and the rest of the UTMC crew were stuck wandering around Lafayette. The motel was unpleasant enough that they didn't want to spend any time there during the day. The few that still had bikes had gone out looking for the rest earlier that morning, with no luck. Minerva and Athena spent their time alternately out looking for their bikes, and arguing about whether or not to just take a bus home.

All of them were hoping to see some of the guys who had stolen their bikes. Whether they still had them or not was only mildly relevant. Mostly they just wanted to kick their asses again, just on the principle of the thing.

The UTMC and the goddesses met up for lunch at a MacDonald's.

"I think we're going to take a bus home from here," Minvera told them.

"I think you're talking shit again," Athena said. "We never decided any such thing. We're going to find our bikes, beat the hell out of whoever has them, and catch up to Hep and the others."

The UTMCers listened, with varying degrees of patience, as the two argued again about whether or not to go home. Minerva felt that she was an artist, and should be back in the shop instead of out in the middle of nowhere looking to do battle with hicks and unfriendly deities.

Athena, on the other hand, thought that the best reason to stay was to do battle with hicks and unfriendly deities, not to mention helping out their friends. Also, Minerva was a gifted healer, and Athena thought she should stay just in case any one got hurt.

The UTMCers, meanwhile, knew exactly what they were going to do. They were going to find their bikes, and catch up to Hep, Scroat, Charlie and Jim as quickly as they could. They were a little annoyed at the goddesses' bickering.

"Ladies, you need to stay here. We'll all find our bikes and then go find Hep and the rest. Eventually the scooterists, or someone, is going to try and stop them, and at some point they are going to realize they'll have better luck with their ambushes if they start carrying weapons." Too Tall said.

Minerva and Athena stared at Too Tall. Athena looked pissed off, because this guy thought he could tell her what to do. Minerva looked embarrassed, because he'd reminded her (better than Athena could) that Hep and Scroat were in real danger, not to mention the rest of them if Seth somehow interfered with Tommy's myth.

"All right, we'll let's stop hanging around in this shitty burger joint and go find our damn bikes," Minerva said. Athena nodded, approvingly. Most of the UTMC crew were just relieved that the argument had stopped, at least temporarily. To be honest, those two argued a lot, and it was only a matter of time until something else set them off. Too Tall swore it was like watching siblings fight, just to annoy the other.

They left the restaurant, and started looking for their bikes again.
Hep, Scroat, Charlie, Dave and Jim were passing through San Antonio. Hep was mildly frustrated, because there's a whole lot of "biggest" things to see in Texas, as well as a huge variety of other odd roadside decoration (apart from the dead armadillos). They were on I10 and Hep was, momentarily, happy to see a muffler man statue. This one was wearing a white cowboy hat and holding what looked like... a lead pipe?

The Muffler Man stepped forward and swung the pipe, narrowly missing Hep but hitting Scroat squarely in the chest. Scroat went flying off of his bike and slid along the side of the freeway until he stopped roughly 80 feet away. His bike rolled on, riderless, until it left the road and caught in the loose gravel on the side of the road. It flipped over several times, and came to rest as a mangled, unrideable hunk of still running machinery.

"What the fuck?" Scroat yelled as he got up. "Buddy, you are about to be twenty flavors of dead shit sandwich." He started running at the giant cowboy.

Hep and Dave pulled over and started running back to help Scroat. Hep grabbed his hammer, and Charlie had his shillelagh and an extra baseball bat for Scroat.
Dave started digging through his bag.

Scroat was already busy throwing rocks at the giant cowboy's head, and dodging the swings and kicks the cowboy was throwing at him.

"Too slow to get me again, motherfucker!" Scroat laughed and threw another rock. It hit the cowboy in the ear.

"Dammit," the statue grunted, and swung it's pipe again at Scroat, who dodged it easily.

"Hey, Scroat!" Charlie yelled. "Here, hit him with this." Scroat looked, and Charlie tossed him the baseball bat. Scroat caught it, ran up, and swung the bat at the cowboy's ankle. It broke through the fiberglass easily, leaving a gaping hole in the statue's leg.

"Holy crap!" Scroat exclaimed.

"Dammit!" the statue yelled, and began to limp after Scroat again. Hep and Charlie ran up to the statue. Hep hit it's other ankle with his hammer. It tripped the statue up a bit, but didn't do anywhere near the damage that Scroat had done.

Dave had found what he was looking for, and ran back to where the rest were fighting. Scroat had gotten around to the other side of the cowboy, and hit him in the shin with the bat. Another hole opened up in the statue, and the cowboy bellowed in rage.

"Damn, this is some kind of heavy duty bat," Scroat said. "Hey Charlie, what the hell is this thing?"

"A Louisville Slugger," Charlie said as he banged on the cowboy's left foot with his shillelagh. He wasn't doing anywhere near the damage Scroat did, but it was definitely irritating the giant. He kicked at Charlie and made contact. Charlie went flying into the road, narrowly missing a family of tourists from Nebraska who couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"What is this country coming to? Vile hooligans," the woman in the car said to her husband.

Outside, Dave had gotten back to where Hep and the rest were fighting the cowboy. Dave lifted and took aim with what he'd gotten out of his bag, a black Smith & Wesson .38 Special. He fired six rounds into the cowboy's chest.

The giant cowboy stopped and looked confused for a moment. Right then, Jim appeared in front of his face. "Boo, shithead!" he said.

The cowboy swatted at Jim, but didn't make contact since Jim was a ghost. It was enough to throw the statue off it's balance, and it tumbled to the ground.

Scroat ran up and caved in the back of the giant cowboy's head with the bat. "Shit, I think we might have made twenty-five flavors of dead shit sandwich out of you, buddy. Well, you gotta take pride in what you do well, that's what I always say."

He turned around and looked to where his bike had landed. "Oh fuck!" he yelled. The hot exhaust had caught the grass underneath the bike on fire. The bike was still running.

"Shouldn't that thing have died by now?" Dave asked him.

"Nah, you can't kill that bike, just piss it off now and then." Scroat replied. Of course, for the time being it was a twisted, flaming (though still running) wreck. "So, buddy, are you going to give me a lift, or what?"

"Uh, I guess so," Dave said.

About ten minutes later, a man in a fedora drove past in a Corvette and wondered what the hell had happened to the cowboy statue on the side of the road. It looked like someone drove a bulldozer into it. He also saw Scroat's bike on the side of the road, wrecked. The fire had gone out, and the bike was still running.

"That's crazy," the man muttered to himself. He dug out his cell phone.

Hep, Scroat, Charlie, Dave and Jim rode on to El Paso, and stopped there for the night. Their ride to El Paso was entirely uneventful, and deathly boring. Texas is a big state, and there are huge chunks of long, straight, boring road. They seemed to have found the straightest and least interesting road in the entire country.

As such, they were glad to get to El Paso. They checked into a cruddy little motel and Scroat, Charlie and Dave tried to go to sleep right away. Hep gave Elvis a call and tried to find out where Tommy was.

"I don't rightly know," Elvis said. "I'll let you know when I hear from him, though."

"Great." Hep said.

After he got off the phone, Hep tried to go to sleep too. Just as he was dozing off, the phone rang. He picked up the receiver.

"Hello?" he asked, somewhat annoyed.

"Hep, it's Tommy."

"Hey, where the hell are you?" Hep asked.

"Albuquerque. I'm going to keep driving North tomorrow, and head into Colorado." Tommy said.

"Aww, you gotta be kidding me." Hep said.

"Nope. See ya later," Tommy said and hung up the phone.

"Dick," Hep muttered, and tried to go to sleep again. It took a long time, and he tossed and turned for a couple of hours. Albuquerque, and headed north, was not part of Hep's plan. He knew that Tommy was trying to evade the same folks that were after him. Hep also knew that there were more UTMCers in Denver who could help him out until the crew stranded in Lafayette could catch up.

Eventually, Hep fell asleep too, and slept deeply without dreaming.